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Robur Watch Crystal Press Alternative

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I have wanted a Robur watch crystal press and dies for a long time, but when considering the cost of about £510 (CousinsUK, excluding shipping and VAT) I just couldn't defend it. However, as the Robur-like press, shown in my video, now and then shows up in various YouTube videos I got curious and ordered it from AliExpress. I don't think it's on par with the Robur press, but for the price, it seems like a decent option.

In the video, I happened to mention that I was going to link to my WRT service walkthroughs, so below is the list in case anyone would be looking for it. Hope you'll find my video useful!

My Service Walkthroughs:











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Good review VWatchie, It's a nice press, i've just got the same one this morning, seven days delivery from China to UK on ali, fit and finish is perfect it works as it should, with the dies in place it closes perfectly square, it's an excellent buy for the price, this one will get used more than my Bergeon 5500.

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I don't suppose you'd be able to measure the distance between the top and bottom mounting points with no dies installed? It would be much appreciated if so!

I've been looking at that exact press and want to know if it will work with some of the existing die sets I have.

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9 hours ago, GuyMontag said:

What dies are you using with the press? Are they also from Aliexpress?

No, they are from CousinsUK and unfortunately more expensive than the press. However, they are very good quality. It's the same dies that I use with my Bergeon 5500 press. Here's a link to them.

38 minutes ago, Darthkram said:

I don't suppose you'd be able to measure the distance between the top and bottom mounting points with no dies installed?

Sure, no problem!


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On 3/2/2024 at 1:13 PM, VWatchie said:

I have wanted a Robur watch crystal press and dies for a long time, but when considering the cost of about £510 (CousinsUK, excluding shipping and VAT) I just couldn't defend it. However, as the Robur-like press, shown in my video, now and then shows up in various YouTube videos I got curious and ordered it from AliExpress. I don't think it's on par with the Robur press, but for the price, it seems like a decent option.

In the video, I happened to mention that I was going to link to my WRT service walkthroughs, so below is the list in case anyone would be looking for it. Hope you'll find my video useful!

My Service Walkthroughs:











Great review watchie, you need to do more, somehow you make them humoured without even trying 🤣

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Very well presented. I had the  Robur with all the dies, I found it not to be as good as one of the other types of glass fitting tools which wasn't unlike the Bergeon 5500. It was much better and pressing down I found it much better in fitting then screw down. What set up do you have for making such a good clean and clear speech video?

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4 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Very well presented.

Thanks! 🙂

4 hours ago, oldhippy said:

What set up do you have for making such a good clean and clear speech video?

It's just an iPhone 8 on a table tripod in between me and the press. The only "secret" (except for the tripod) is to make sure the lens and the hole in the phone for the microphone are free from any dirt, much like a watch movement 😉

4 hours ago, Neverenoughwatches said:

Great review watchie, you need to do more, somehow you make them humoured without even trying 🤣

Thanks! 🙂 I had no idea I was able to add humorous elements so that's a bonus. Completely involuntary. I know I struggle and stutter with my English and I never do any retakes unless a complete disaster happens like my wife storming in asking why I haven't yet emptied the dishwasher, and I don't make any scripts. All I try to do is speak like I have someone beside me who wants to know what I think of the press. I want my videos to feel personal and authentic, and sometimes it takes a lot of discipline not to edit out what I don't like, for example realising I probably used the wrong word or was struggling to find any words at all. Any particularly humorous section as I'm pretty clueless?

Just watched the video, and I am "screwing" around a lot, which I found a bit funny.

Edited by VWatchie
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2 hours ago, VWatchie said:

had no idea I was able to add humorous elements so that's a bonus. Completely involuntary. 

Thats what i meant when i said # without even trying #, i cant pinpoint exactly what it is,  but you dont realise it comes across as kind of funny.  Some of your words come out with an Irish accent 😂. I laughed when you went into broken word sentencing, the introduction of the die adaptor,  " and...it....looks....like............this". There is no guile about you, just honest and as you say personal and authentic, # this is me, this is my new tool ( and i love it, so I'm gonna stroke it for a few seconds 😂 ) and off we go. Like a classic movie that you enjoy watching over and over again.  

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Thanks for your kind words @Neverenoughwatches. It would seem then that I have succeeded in doing what I set out to do.

1 hour ago, Neverenoughwatches said:

I laughed when you went into broken word sentencing, the introduction of the die adaptor,  " and...it....looks....like............this"

I would never have guessed, honestly! So you are right! Anyway, don't make me too self-conscious or I might lose it! 😉

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37 minutes ago, VWatchie said:

Thanks for your kind words @Neverenoughwatches. It would seem then that I have succeeded in doing what I set out to do.

I would never have guessed, honestly! So you are right! Anyway, don't make me too self-conscious or I might lose it! 😉

Dont change anything about it watchie, it's informative and naturally funny 🤷‍♂️. You just need to practice your oyrrishh accent ( thats Irish if you are from anywhere except Oyrland ). 

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3 hours ago, Neverenoughwatches said:

You just need to practice your oyrrishh accent

I know how to speak English with a perfect Swedish accent. I think that should really make you laugh. Maybe I'll make such a video just for you. Just have to figure out what to talk about.

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Please do, I love the site being international and as said before I respect anyone who can speak a foreign language, my weakness.  How about speaking Swedish words in English, the pronunciation will be different to how we natives pronounce them.  Whilst in skagen, I asked a shop keeper how the name was pronounced and it was nothing like the English version. For example, a  make of German car was Porch, not Porche(r). Hehe, typical arrogant Englishers.

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9 hours ago, RichardHarris123 said:

Please do, I love the site being international and as said before I respect anyone who can speak a foreign language, my weakness.  How about speaking Swedish words in English, the pronunciation will be different to how we natives pronounce them.  Whilst in skagen, I asked a shop keeper how the name was pronounced and it was nothing like the English version. For example, a  make of German car was Porch, not Porche(r). Hehe, typical arrogant Englishers.

Like an Irish decorator i once worked with on a building site, he was told to paint the porch at the front of the show house in green.  Yes he painted the site manager's car 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/13/2024 at 11:06 AM, ColdWind said:

42mm minus 2 dies, each is 14mm so the working distance is only 42-28=14mm? Damn I was thinking of trying this press...

Most of the time I don't think that would be a problem. For example, the thickness of a Vostok Amphibia is 15mm, but with the case back removed I would guess it to be about 12mm and the Amphibia is considerably thicker than an average watch.

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