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Longines 12,68 balance wheel wobble


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There are videos on Youtube on how to poise a watch balance. I cannot find a video on how to straighten a balance wheel. It depends what the balance is made off, some are so brittle they cannot be straightened and just break, many just crack. Have you tried to buy a replacement? or is it obsolete. 

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1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

There are videos on Youtube on how to poise a watch balance. I cannot find a video on how to straighten a balance wheel. It depends what the balance is made off, some are so brittle they cannot be straightened and just break, many just crack. Have you tried to buy a replacement? or is it obsolete. 

Seen them to. But's was the use to have a balance tool like this if you can't straighten it.  At least a little.  I guess if you do it in the tool the pivots will bend or break. Btw i bought this old tool  this yesterday. Had a wobbly Enicar/AR balance yesterday. Okay it worked but would have been great to fix some of the wooble. 


Edited by rogart63
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The tool should be made in a way that it supports the staff on the conical area not the pivots. There are oddball variations. Supported on that area you can use a surprising amount of force on the rim of the balance. Fried's book and others cover it well, I'm sure DeCarle, Chicago or Bulova school texts, it's a common procedure.

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