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How do you get this watch out of its case

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57 minutes ago, jdm said:

I think these are the dial retainers and you're seeing the end of the joke below. Half a turn them both and see if the dial comes out.

Progress , I managed to prise the movement up on the left side just enough to give access to the dial screw in the side of the case at 11 I then wiggled the other side until it came out.

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Yes, it looks as though you would loosen the visible screw, the dial would prevent it from being removed completely and thus losing the spring. Loosening up the keyless works enough to remove the stem. remove the movement and everything else would be as normal. This is merely my best educated guess from what I see and from a common sense point of view.

-Just enough and wiggling- doesn't "seem" correct. However, any port in a storm I suppose.  :)

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26 minutes ago, quantieme said:

I’m still none the wiser 

Well, I was wrong again, sorry. It's not a Peseux, although the spring catch on the lever is the same, the tip of the setting lever isn't. 

Now, if you place pegwood between the winding pinion and plate to stop the stem, heat the crown a bit first, should be able to unscrew it?

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6 hours ago, jdm said:

Well, I was wrong again, sorry. It's not a Peseux, although the spring catch on the lever is the same, the tip of the setting lever isn't. 

Now, if you place pegwood between the winding pinion and plate to stop the stem, heat the crown a bit first, should be able to unscrew it?

I will try that tomorrow thanks.

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