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What do you guys do to dispose of used cleaning fluids? 

I have an Elma cleaning machine with the 3 jars. I’m using horosonic to clean, and two rinses with IPA. I’m aware that I mustn’t just tip this stuff down the drain. What’s the best thing to do with them?

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Best disposal option where I live is either to flash it off (I pour it out in an oil drip pan, and it evaporates), which I don't like, or if I have a load, I'll take it to the chemical recycling facility.

It costs a surprising amount of money to dispose of chemicals there (it's like the county WANTS people dumping stuff in the water), so I send out a text to the neighborhood (not many people up here) and see who has paint and stuff they need to get rid of. I tell them to come by whenever, and put labeled and sealed containers in my trailer, and that I'm going on whatever date. Last time, most people gave me a few bucks to defray the cost, and I ended up with a tank of gas for the trouble!

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