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I was lucky enough to recently acquire a Boley F1 lathe but the belt is needing replacement.  Does anyone out there know where I can purchase belts for this type of lathe.  The belt I have is round rubber 3.5MM diameter with a total length of 265MM.

Any help is appreciated.



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Most of us use polyurethane belts nowadays, although there are sone who swear by leather belts.

You can get a unjoined length, cut it to size and fuse the ends together. There are plenty of videos on YouTube showing how it's done.

SG$ 0.51  26%OFF | 1 Meter Green Orange Polyurethane Conveyor Belts Round PU Drive Belt Meltable Cord Dia 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/15/18mm

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I have seen the videos on joining the polyurethane and looks easy. 

I ask this one question out of ignorance.  Does poly have a stretch to it?  I was assuming the belt should stretch to help with vibration.  If it doesnt make a difference I am in with polyurethane.



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Hi polyurethane belts have a little give.  Move the motor to the closest position then fit and join the belt. Method I use to cut it slightly over size, fit the belt over the lathe pulley, heat a blade and press both ends of the belt on the blade and when melting slide off the blade and press together. And hold untill cured. Then fit over the motor pulley and adjust the tension. Do not over tension as it outs strain on the join.

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