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sir Alessandro Barcellona


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Hello. I have a large pochet watch coming from my grandfather.This watch in italy isn't possible to be repaired because the original escapement probably in the past has gone missed.

Plese give a look because I try to get it in function.  It seems to be a large goliath watch. I hope you can give me an answer.

Best regards

Alessandro Barcellona




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As you say it is  goliath. The entire escape wheel is missing. If this was in England I would advise getting in touch with the B H I they would be able to recommend some one who would be able to undertake the work. The B H I have a website , https://bhi.co.uk/ There are watchmakers in this country who would be able to make a new wheel.  

Do you have magazines in Italy that specialise in watch repairs? if so take a look and see if there are are any contacts. 

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2 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Do you have magazines in Italy that specialise in watch repairs? if so take a look and see if there are are any contacts. 

Just like in any other country there are magazines catering to enthusiasts and collectors, but not specifically watch repair. The UK and USA are an exception with their trade association publications, which I believe are not even available to the general public.

As the OP mentioned, in his country there are practically no watchmakers able and willing to take a job which requires to make an escape wheel from scratch. And even if there were, they would charge something in the order of many hundreds. Again, I think that is not different from any other part of the world. 

I have no idea about the value of a Goliath mov't but just like most other vintage pieces the most effective way to get parts is to look in Ebay, or search onlone for a watch repairer that specializes in that.

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19 hours ago, Alebarce said:

Hello. I have a large pochet watch coming from my grandfather.This watch in italy isn't possible to be repaired because the original escapement probably in the past has gone missed.

Plese give a look because I try to get it in function.  It seems to be a large goliath watch. I hope you can give me an answer.

Best regards

Alessandro Barcellona




     good display; el scrapo ?   vin

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On 11/29/2019 at 8:05 PM, oldhippy said:

The B H I is the best bet. I can't believe that Italy doesn't have watchmakers that could undertake such work. 

Consider.. How much would charge if you had to make an escape wheel?

And you had a Goliath watch would you pay that? 

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