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Help! Opening A Barrel


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Place the barrel on a hard surface the way it is sitting in the picture and press down hard while holding the edge, the arbour will pop out the top plate.  If it doesn't, you can prise it out with a screwdriver where the square hole is.

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Thanks Geo. I have tried that but didn't want to apply too much pressure as I was worried about bending the shaft (arbour?)

I'll give it another go and put a bit of welly behind it.

This is a scrap movement so I am treating it as a 'learning' piece

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Is there anything on the other side? Does the arbor (centre spindle thingy) turn freely?


Don't use too big a welly as force rarely achieves anything, This is not a stainless steel barrel and you may chip one of the teeth off. Force may also distort the barrel/barrel lid to the extent that re-assembly is a problem. Its better if you can find a tube that fits around the barrel and pushes against the whole toothed surface.


Another option is to try a bit of heat.. if you have a hot-air gun use that around the sides of the barrel. if you dont have one then wind some wire around the barrel, (not too tight as you need to leave some room for the barrel edge to expand) twist the ends and leave a tail... You then heat the tail part. The idea is the wire will heat up the edges of the barrel where the barrel lid grips... The lid itself will not see much heat initially. You dont need to heat the wire until its red hot... just hot to touch but let the heat remain for a while.. heat..back off...heat..back off.


Hope this helps.



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