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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/14 in Posts

  1. Well, here it is, finished. Bracelet fixed and no longer flapping about at the lugs. I don't know if any one knows a fix for the Bezel as it is nigh on impossible to turn. I have installed it with the plate that was on there originally as it looked new. Take the plate away and it's too loose. Anyway pics as promised. From gaining 8 hrs a day , I'v got it to 10secs which will do for me. Mind you this is nearly 50 years old so it's not too bad.
    2 points
  2. Purchased some tweezers recently just for hairspring work. However I have been very disapointed with them although they grip the hairspring the slightest touch and the coil slips. Wishing I had purchased more Dumont tweezers I searched the internet to see if I could make them at least work better. Many sites talked about dressing tweezers and when I found this vid I realised I was not dressing them correctly. Just another one for that big learning curve.
    1 point
  3. If anyone's interested in a bit of gentle music, I've just added this tune - played on tenor guitar and 6-string guitar - to YouTube. Grab that bottle of old malt, stoke up the fire, lie back in the easy chair - and relax... Cheers! Will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbmyJLKi4vE
    1 point
  4. You should be well chuffed with the final result Kieth. Thanks for the posting the progress with excellent pictures, there was a couple of things I hadn't seen before. :-)
    1 point
  5. And they are here! DSC03450 by Micky.!, on Flickr Now I just need to finish off a couple of customers repairs, and then its time to rewire this Elma baby!
    1 point
  6. I'm with Bob in that I find the day and date alignment pretty hit and miss. I've heard that you can correct this by tweaking the 'jumper', ie bending the arm will achieve some measure of 'fine tuning'. Apart from the alignment... on some watches it doesn't change with a snap but will then to get hung up and needs a shake of the wrist to get it right. Anil
    1 point
  7. Glad you escaped hospital and are back in the merry band of horoticks (bit like a lunatic but daft about watches) look forward to your pics. Cheers, Vic
    1 point
  8. Bloomin eck! I'm glad to here you're up and running again...........along with the watch. I look forward to the next does of photos.
    1 point
  9. Hi Legarm, Glad you are back and fit again! Looking forward to the final outcome...and yes, stay out of hospitals they are not fun even with beautiful nurses. ( I don't see why nurses have to be beautiful since once you are in a hospital it doesn't do you any good!) :) Cheers, Bob
    1 point
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