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Auden anti magnetic pocket watch

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Hiya all, I promised a colleague at work that I would restore his late dads pocket watch as I have started plating and polishing and it was looking very tired and had also stopped working, upon opening it I found that it had just been over wound and I managed to get it ticking away nicely again, however when polishing it in preparation for Gold plating I didn't realise it was a plastic glass face and have distorted it somewhat:-/ I have managed to polish it clear again using my Dremmel and toothpaste and am fairly confident that I'll be able to rectify it when I get some more polishing tips as I have run out. I was just wondering if anyone knows where I could get a replacement if needed or is it possible to make one? It is 33mm in diameter and is domed.

Thanks in advance, Andy Bruce.



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First of all you can't over wind a watch, you can only wind the mainspring up as far as it will wind, if it doesn't go after that then there is something more wrong with the watch. You can obtain most plastic type replacements from a watch martial suppliers.

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