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Bracelet and Case Scratches

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Hi, I'm just getting started on learning to fix some of my older watches. I would like to get scratches out of a SS watch bracelet and case of a couple of watches. I watched a few videos online. Some use these 3M pads. I have a grinder/buffer that I can put on 2 wheels on either side. I see they have some buff wheels and some compound for buffing and polishing.

Also, the crystal is really scratched. I'm not sure how to approach that.

Any recommendations on how to get started? 


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Refinishing cases is a whole science on its own and I think there are already a lot of threads regarding this topic.

In general you use a rough polishing paste first to get out the scratches and move on to finer pastes to get a mirror finish. Make sure to use a really soft buffing wheel for the final finish, otherwise you won’t get a properly polished surface and swirls instead. Also use a new buffing wheel for every polishing paste.

If the scratches are deep it might be necessary to prepare the case with sanding paper first to get them out. Move from a rough grid to the finest possible grid and after that start buffing it.

if the original finished is brushed you can achieve this with grinding rubber for example.


for the crystal:

if it’s an acrylic crystal just use regular acrylic polishing paste or polywatch by rubbing it on the crystal with a cloth.

Mineral or sapphire crystals can’t be polished.


You should do some more research before starting your work, but I hope this gives you a first idea of how it works


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