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Trouble reinstalling Felsa 690 rotor


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Hi all,

I'm a beginner and currently practicing on a "Felsa 690 bidynator" https://www.watch-wiki.net/images_link/4/46/Bidynator_Werk_Expl.jpg

The problem is that I can't fit the winding rotor over the axle. A metal retaining bit can be seen in the first pic that needs to somehow be retracted. The second pic shows a ring (R) and possible lever (L). The last pic shows the top of the rotor and arrow directing that some object is to be pushed down and to the left to release the rotor. The ring can be seen through the hole but not sure if it's in the correct position.

Any idea how this should be assembled and how to retract that retaining bit?


Thank you


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rogart63 thank you for your reply.  I figured it out...I think.  The ring is a spring which holds the lever in place.  The ring has a cut (small opening).  The other end of the lever is the bit that holds the rotor.  Now it's a matter of coaxing the ring  back over the lever.



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