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Hi gents.

I got a used, but working SW330-1 movement. In order to assemble it, I need a dial spacer, since it didn't come with one.

Since this movement is identical to the ETA 2893, I looked for dial spacers for these 2, but come up with nothing.

There are, however, plenty of dial spacers for ETA 2824 and 2836. Will these fit?


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In the Ofrei page, I found the part nr 145 in a Sellita SW200-1 parts page.

The part is compatible with the following movements: BUL 1412.11, BUL 1413.11, BUL 1413.30, ESA 952.101, ESA 952.111, ESA 952.121, ETA 2801-2, ETA 2802, ETA 2803, ETA 2804, ETA 2804-1, ETA 2804-2, ETA 2805, ETA 2806, ETA 2808, ETA 2809, ETA 2810, ETA 2811, ETA 2812, ETA 2813, ETA 2816-1, ETA 2822, ETA 2822R, ETA 2824, ETA 2824-1, ETA 2824R, ETA 2826, ETA 2826R, ETA 2828, ETA 2828R, ETA 2829,ETA 2829R, ETA 2830, ETA 2830R, ETA 2831, ETA 2831R, ETA 2832, ETA 2832R, ETA 2836-2, KF 737, KF 738, KF 739, TIS 3108, ETA 2836-1, ETA 2846, ETA 2893-1, ETA 2893-2, ETA 2893-3, ETA 2824-2
SELLITA SW200, SW200-1, SW210-1, SW215-1

But the SW330-1 is not listed, although it states that it fits the ETA 2893-1 which is similar to the SW330-1. Maybe they forgot to include this movement in the list, no?

Can we conclude that the 145 is in fact compatible with all those ETA movements, plus those Sellita?

This would make my search easier.


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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, BFernandes said:

Can we conclude that the 145 is in fact compatible with all those ETA movements, plus those Sellita?

There is a chance, but I wouldn't count on it. If I remember correctly, you can request parts not listed on the Cousins site. They may already have the part in stock but did not list it for some reason.


Found it! It's £2.15 and in stock!


Edited by VWatchie
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