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ETA caliber C01.211

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Hi, I have a Swatch SVGK403 with ETA caliber C01.211 , but its chronograph misaligned and I can't align it by any of the conventional methods, I've tested them all, I even emailed Swatch and still haven't received a return, does anyone know tell me if it could be a problem with the mechanism, if there is a method, or if it just doesn't adjust the chronograph by buttons A and B?

Thank you in advance for your attention!




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Hello and welcome to the forum, sometimes new members present themselves out of courtesy in the introduction area before making the first post, but sometimes one is just too eager to begin one’s journey into the magic world of watch repair…

But anyhow those Swatches usually has two modes on the chronograph. But in both modes the lower button will reset the chronograph hand. If it doesn’t something is wrong with the chronograph part.



1.Add Function.

A. The upper push-button to start.

B. Press the upper push-button to read the first time.

C. Press the upper push-button to restart the chronograph.

D. Press the upper push-button to read the additional time (repeat these two steps as many time as you wish).

E. Press the lower push-button to reset.


2.Timing mode


A. The upper push-button to start the chronograph.

B. Once again to read the elapsed time.

C. The lower push-button to reset.


It would be interesting to hear if you get any answer from Swatch regarding tips and tricks in faultfinding.

Edited by HSL
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Desculpe pelo discurso de cortesia lol ...😆


E quanto ao erro talvez eu não tenha descrito corretamente, na verdade o que acontece é que quando eu zero o cronógrafo os ponteiros estão desalinhados como na imagem que estou enviando, eles não estão na posição central como deveria e eu sei que geralmente é possível fazer este alinhamento através de um procedimento usando os botões A e B, porém tudo o que tentei não teve sucesso.


Quanto ao Swatch, ainda estou à espera de uma resposta e assim que a tiver publicarei aqui para contribuir.


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35 minutes ago, jdm said:

Por favor, use o inglês apenas em nosso fórum amigável, obrigado.

Sorry for the courtesy speech lol ...😆


And as for the error maybe I didn't describe it correctly, actually what happens is that when I zero the chronograph the hands are misaligned like in the image I'm sending, they're not in the central position as they should and I know it's usually possible to do this alignment through a procedure using the buttons A and B, however everything I tried was unsuccessful.


As for Swatch, I'm still waiting for an answer and as soon as I have it I'll post it here to contribute.

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