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Ingersoll Ltd Triumph Pocket Watch


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I have been given an Ingersoll pocket watch that I am going to see if I can get cleaned and looking good. The biggest problem is that it has no crystal. So I was wondering how to get hold of these. Is it a case of finding a spare repair on Ebay?

Also the movement is stamped with 552M, does this mean 1955 Feb.

Thank in advance


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The crystals on watches inevitably get scratched or damaged so replacements are readily available in most sizes for most watches. Same deal if the one on your (pocket) watch is missing ... you just need to buy a new one.

For instance: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-BRAND-NEW-41-5-ACRYLIC-POCKET-WATCH-CRYSTAL-TO-FIT-SMITHS-INGERSOLL-SERVICES-9/163484960530 may hit the mark. Obviously measure the diameter of the recessed area on your watch that will hold the crystal to double check the diameter before you buy; if this link isn't correct for you then search for a pocket watch crystal of the correct diameter.

As to the 552M this is almost certainly just a model number. [Your logic is a good guess but this would imply there should be, say, a 551M for a January production but Ingersoll and 551M do not come up as a match in a web search].

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