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Servicing Omega Seamaster 711 Movement


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Hi Guys, 


This is my first watch I will be servicing I got it from ebay. It requires a service and a new glass


Hope you can give me some advice or does someone have the oiling blow up guide to the 711 movement. 


And are there any suggestions of the best solution to manually clean the parts? 


Many thanks 





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Cleaning, I usually dismantle the movement, then glass brush all the plates,gears etc, to remove any rust or deposits (old dried lubricants), I then soak the metal parts in "Shellite" it like lighter fluid, don't soak anything that may be dissolved by the fluid, it is OK on balances and hair springs as well as pallets, though I only give them a quick swish not a soak, I then dry them off with the blower brush and inspect for condition.


I usually then put the main plate and bridges through a ultrasonic cleaner using hot water and a squirt of dishwashing liquid, then a quick wash with clean water to remove any detergent residue and dry.I any other parts still look a bit iffy after the "Shellite" they go through also.


Enjoy your project, Hope you didn't pay to much for the watch, as your first attempt you do stand a fair chance of destroying some important part, best to start on something cheap and nasty that is no great loss.



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Typically on the earlier Omega is all you get are the parts list that you already have. But I was looking at my Omega folder I once purchased a disk of Omega datasheets and turns out I have at its attached.


I want to make sure I'm reading your original question correctly is this the first watch your ever going to service? The reason why I ask is Omega watches the parts are almost impossible to get and if you can get them there very expensive. When you're first starting out you really need to practice on something expendable something breakable because your chances of breaking or destroying something is very very high initially.


Then there's the minor little complication with this watch Omega did something clever for their automatic watches page 13 and 14 shows assembly and talks about lubrication. The only minor little catch is you need the tool which conceivably you may never find.


Although I did find this video on YouTube so maybe the tool is available somewhere out there.




Then it be interesting to see what everyone else does about lubricating this because it does have to be lubricated or it doesn't work right.


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