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Ingersoll screws

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Continuing on from a previous post. i wonder if anyone can help, or point me in the right direction as to where I might be able to purchase a couple of screws to enable me to put the back on a watch, the watch in question is a ladies Ingersoll gem watch that has the back held on with 4 screws. I have enclosed a drawing showing the size of the screws that i require (measurements taken with callipers). Many thanks.


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I'm not sure how helpful this is, but I just keep a whole bunch of assorted screws, find a workable match then file the thread down if it's a little too long, or file around the head if the head is a little too wide. As far as I'm aware suppliers dont sell generic screws individually, by specific measurements, so you probably will need to get them assorted. 

The alternative is to try and contact ingersol or whatever company handles the brand and its after-sales and see if you can buy the exact screws from them. However, I wouldn't hold your breath. 

Edited by Ishima
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