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I know nothing about pocket watch repair, but I would like to learn. If anyone can suggest a book (or books) for beginners, please do so. Also, the tools and watch parts I should have and where I can buy them. I do have a small metal lathe and milling machine (I am a half-ass machinist), but I’am limited to very simple parts.

Thanks for your help,


[email protected]

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Mark Lovick has a ton of videos on YouTube on watch repair, and although he mainly does wrist watches, the principles and tools are virtually the same. As for parts, well that's a different story. Pocket watches as such are not really made anymore, at least what you're probably interested in repairing, so finding parts is the tricky part. Ebay is a good if somewhat vague at times, and it also depends on the brand and make. There are lots (relatively) of parts and parts movements available for American pocket watches, but some of the Swiss and other types aren't cataloged very well, in some cases the movements aren't even marked with a maker or serial number to aid in the identification.

The members here can be quite helpful too, but my first suggestion is to watch some of Mark's videos, get an idea of what you'll be working with, and go from there. And start out on junk movements, don't try your first repair on a nice Illinois Bunn Special!!

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One side note. Machining and making parts is not necessarily a requirement, although it's a nice skill to have, but in watchmaking, the tolerances are MUCH smaller than what you're probably used to....on the order of 1/100th of a millimeter at times, or 0.0004 of an inch!


Insert STEEP learning curve here :) 

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