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Hello all, I have been working on a Titanic watch from the early 1950s and found that the crown tube is completely gone. Looking at the breakage point, it looks like the crown tube was originally fused to the case. With this in mind, I think purchasing a threaded replacement tube might require drilling then tapping the watch case which I want to avoid. My current thought is to turn a new tube on a lathe and then laser weld it onto the case.

Has anyone here faced similar situations with crown tube repair? I'm unsure of what to do and appreciate any advice. Thanks!


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Could you post a photo of the tube from the inside of the watch case?

Many tubes are just friction fitted. They are just pressed in. Loctite can be applied for a better seal.

Have a look at Cousins catalog for a selection of pendant tubes.


There are box sets from China that contain a selection of common sizes too. 

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Thanks for the recommendation, I might consider getting a set then. Here is a better picture from the inside. Looking at this closer, I think the entire crown tube may have been removed. The diameter of the current hole is 2mm while the crown is 1.5mm.


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I agree with @HectorLooi it looks like the remains of the old tube is still in the case (see image below), the smallest OD is still lodged in the case and the targe OD has been sheared off - but difficult to tell for sure. If the small OD is still there then you need to push it out, ideally with a pusher tool as @HectorLooi states. Alternatively if you do not have this tool, maybe you have (or could make) a punch of the correct dimensions to push it out. Once removed you can replace it with a new one, there are many sites offering assortments, for example AliExpress have them for cheap, but also eBay/Amazon or whichever watch tool supplier you prefer eg CousinsUK and you are sure to find the right size and have spare ones for next time.





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