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Help with Kern U. Sohne Anniversary Clock


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Hello all,

I am not a repair person, but am looking for advice on what to do with a clock I recently inherited.

The clock belonged to my grandparents, and the last I saw it running was probably in the mid-to-late 1960s. My mother inherited from her, and I recently came into possession of it as it was supposed to go to my brother, but he recently passed away.

The only markings on the clock I can find is the "Kern" name on the face, and "Kern U Söhne" on the back plate. There is "Made in Germany" on the underside of the platform as well, but that is it. No serial number, no year of manufacture, nothing.

I'd like to figure out two things:

  1. Exact age of the clock.
  2. Is it worth taking it some place to be looked at and return it to working condition.

As I can find no markings, maybe someone here has access to knowledge I have been unable to find after all the googling I have done to this point (It's how I came across this forum).

I have no key for it, don't know what size it is to get a replacement, and since I don't think it has ran since before 1970, is probably in need of a good cleaning and oiling at a minimum. From the research I've done, the wire probably needs to be replaced as I sure we spun the pendulum when we were kids and have more than likely twisted the suspension spring. The pendulum does still rotate, and will reverse direction - I only did it lightly to see if it still "worked". The pendulum is now locked until I decide what to do with it.

As it is a family heirloom, it would be nice if I could get it working again and display it on our fireplace mantel. But I don't know if it's worth it.

I will try and include some pictures here. Any thoughts are welcome and appreciated.






Edited by DBMiller
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Hi. I love these clocks and have several in my collection.  ( need full plate).  The anniversary. / 400 day clocks were popular,in the early 1900s, 1949 saw a resurgence in the import of theses clocks to America/ Europe after the war.

The minimum requirement would be a service ( clean & oil) new suspension and regulations, some can take days to get right on beat. To me. Worth doing but not many will do them because of the time involvement and economics. 

The pendulum support cup .was introduced in 1933 which places yours post that date as the cup is installed.

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Hi according to the book. The plate identifies as a Kern & Sonhne   4 Ball miniature clock .  
use suspensions. Units 12A.  12B.  12C.   Page 120,  plate 1348.  Units 12 A,B,C  minature 54,  minature 56,  minature 57. All use the same suspension. Although the beats are the same at 6 beats per min all suspensions are the same length. Bot the top block and fork differ in fitting, a full-size copy of the page would be essential in setting the suspension  or perhaps a scanned copy of the original suspension fron which to build the new one. Positions of the fork  must be correct.  

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This is all good info watchweasol, but he doesn't repair clocks. 

DBMiller, if you live in England go here  https://bhi.co.uk/ and click on find a repairer it will take to another page and then click on the download link accredited clock repairers from that list pick on the ones near you. Always get an estimate first and make sure the repairs are carried out on their premises, what guarantee is given it should be at least 1 year, how long will it be. Take a few photos first, if the dome is glass don't take it, plastic do take it. 

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Exactly so the information was given so he could approach a repair agent with with some information other than "can you repair this" .  I had already gathered that he was not either capable or wanted to repair the clock him self. Whether his is successful in finding some one to repair it remains to be seen.


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12 hours ago, watchweasol said:

Hi according to the book. The plate identifies as a Kern & Sonhne   4 Ball miniature clock .  
use suspensions. Units 12A.  12B.  12C.   Page 120,  plate 1348.  Units 12 A,B,C  minature 54,  minature 56,  minature 57. All use the same suspension. Although the beats are the same at 6 beats per min all suspensions are the same length. Bot the top block and fork differ in fitting, a full-size copy of the page would be essential in setting the suspension  or perhaps a scanned copy of the original suspension fron which to build the new one. Positions of the fork  must be correct.  

Great info. Thanks.

9 hours ago, oldhippy said:

This is all good info watchweasol, but he doesn't repair clocks. 

DBMiller, if you live in England go here  https://bhi.co.uk/ and click on find a repairer it will take to another page and then click on the download link accredited clock repairers from that list pick on the ones near you. Always get an estimate first and make sure the repairs are carried out on their premises, what guarantee is given it should be at least 1 year, how long will it be. Take a few photos first, if the dome is glass don't take it, plastic do take it. 

Unfortunately, New England, not England. I will look for some repair places within a reasonable distance and see if I can find someone who can work on it and how much they charge.

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  • 1 year later...
On 7/1/2023 at 3:35 PM, watchweasol said:

Hi according to the book. The plate identifies as a Kern & Sonhne   4 Ball miniature clock .  
use suspensions. Units 12A.  12B.  12C.   Page 120,  plate 1348.  Units 12 A,B,C  minature 54,  minature 56,  minature 57. All use the same suspension. Although the beats are the same at 6 beats per min all suspensions are the same length. Bot the top block and fork differ in fitting, a full-size copy of the page would be essential in setting the suspension  or perhaps a scanned copy of the original suspension fron which to build the new one. Positions of the fork  must be correct.  

If possible, could you tell me the spring size of this? I have a clock of this type.


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I know this is an old thread, but just to say that I regularly repair and service anniversary clocks of this type, and of course many other makes and models.  Feel free to ping me a PM if you need.  I’m based in Chester, North West UK

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18 hours ago, Ageera said:

If possible, could you tell me the spring size of this? I have a clock of this type.

Looks to be plate 1406A takes .002” torsion spring but it also lists .0019” so I would go .002” then thin very slightly if needed.


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