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Not A Tiny Bit Of A Shame.


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The title says all - I feel not the tiniest bit of a shame about what I am going to reveal: for years and years, in our kitchen I, personally, hanged these two clocks (shown on the pictures). AND I am not ashamed at all. :cool:


I do, however, have several good reasons behind all this:


1. They were ridiculously cheap, I mean there were no cheaper clocks. The little blackish one cost AU$2.50 and the other woody was AU$ 3.00. I got them from that all cheap or $2.00 'dola' shop.


2. They keep really good time (as you all know about quartz).


3. In the blackish AA battery lasts about 3 (two) years!, the woody eats up one AA in about 8-9 months.


4. They are in the kitchen were there is steam, oil and fat vapors, all sorts of herbs breathing at them and the temperature jumps about like mad.


So there. :)




I hope you believe me that I set the same time (to a second) about six months ago while changing battery. I did not touch the setting since.


Edited by zenon
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  I've even repaired two of these beasties in the last year, how bad is that! 


A picture is worth a 1000 words....how about 3 pictures! :)


post-253-0-45841200-1428686344.jpg post-253-0-68592600-1428686345.jpg post-253-0-53365400-1428686346.jpg


Kitchen, bedroom and bathroom! All fixed and repaired by yours truly,,, and proud of it!







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This all brings me to the question of what is good or bad taste, be it fashion, motorcycles, cars, watches, err stuff in general - even wall clocks. It seem that all things (in general) improve with age:


Year 1: Cutting edge. "I really want that its the height of fashion"


Year 2: So last year. "Not my thing anymore"


Year 10: Old tech. "What was I thinking"


Year 20: Take it down the dump/recycling centre. "Did I really have taste that bad"


Year 30: Keep it might be worth something soon. "I used to have one of those"


Year 50: Vintage, flog it on fleabay. "I wish I had one of those"


Year 100: Antique, flog it at Sotherby's and retire on the proceeds. "I really want that and I am willing to mortgage everything, sell the wife, kids, cat & dog into slavery just to own it"


2-20 year old wall clock? Probably best avoided but should improve with age. No shame in that.

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Yeah, it is supposed to, it is a Fast Clock...identified by the guy on the dial...always running! :D I've told him not to push the minute hands but he never listens!

I guess this one is in your bathroom to speedup showers - very nice way to save precious water. I got an idea to place one, the faster one,  in the kitchen so we can have home made fast food. :)

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The three clocks cannot shows the same time or Bob broke a physic law. He cannot be at three different places at the same time to get the photos  :D



Well, if Bob is very, very fast or got a dispensation from Albert Einstein he would be able to take the photos. :D

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This all brings me to the question of what is good or bad taste, be it fashion, motorcycles, cars, watches, err stuff in general - even wall clocks. It seem that all things (in general) improve with age:


Year 1: Cutting edge. "I really want that its the height of fashion"


Year 2: So last year. "Not my thing anymore"


Year 10: Old tech. "What was I thinking"


Year 20: Take it down the dump/recycling centre. "Did I really have taste that bad"


Year 30: Keep it might be worth something soon. "I used to have one of those"


Year 50: Vintage, flog it on fleabay. "I wish I had one of those"


Year 100: Antique, flog it at Sotherby's and retire on the proceeds. "I really want that and I am willing to mortgage everything, sell the wife, kids, cat & dog into slavery just to own it"


2-20 year old wall clock? Probably best avoided but should improve with age. No shame in that.


:D  very nice! Had a good laugh. I wander if there is anything we could do to jump the unpleasant 2-20 year period? We do fiddle with time and at least one of us can make the time 'stand still' so why not crank it up? ;)

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