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Venus 175 hairspring alignment


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Hi all,

I’m working on a Venus 175 whit several problems. Some of them on the balace side. I’ve already replaced the brocken balace staff and shortened few mm the breguet hairspring (before the service, the regulator was completely out of the index in the “fast-side” and, vibrating the spring with a hairspring vibrating tool, it was really slow). When I reinstalled the hairspring on the balance cock to check the alignment, I realized that the hairspring was completely out of center due to the misalignment of the stud screw that force the stud to rest in a wrong position (note the direction of the stud pin...).

I don’t think I can bend the hairspring at the stud level to recover this big gap.

Some suggestion to correct this issue?





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1 hour ago, Klassiker said:

Maybe a completely daft idea, but what about re-pinning with the stud turned through 180 degrees so the vee is away from the screw?

I tried this way but without vee, every time you remove and reinstall the stud, the final position after the stud screw is tightened is not accurate and this costs the bad And random positioning of the hairspring. I also tried to make a flat area in the opposite side of the vee on a spare stud using a very fine file but the final resoult was not sotisfactory. 


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6 hours ago, niconne said:

vibrating the spring with a hairspring vibrating tool

I am impressed you have a hairspring vibrating tool?

I don't suppose we can have a picture of the balance wheel?

Bottom of the use of breguet hairspring Are hard to see I don't suppose you can take it off the bridge and show us a top view?

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