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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everyone! As promised I managed to finish the overworked prototype of the 3D printed watch baskets before christmas! Here are some pictures so you can see the current build: And here is a link to the short video explaining everything! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MecNpr7wiGc Hope you guys enjoy the design ! There is still room for potential improvement so please leave any questions, comments or suggestions. Always curious to hear from you all!
  2. Hello, im excited to be part of the community! I’m in the process of buying some of the tools I’ll need to tinker with pocket watches. My goal is to be able to take apart, clean, possibly fix, and reassemble pocket watches. I’ve bought a gorgeous pocket watch from a defunked jeweller from the early 1900’s Michigan. I brought it to a 91 year old watch maker and he told me not to start with it. Good advice. He gave me grief in general, hooked me up with some screw drivers, a loop, and a working watch cleaning machine for $20! I’ve bought a pair of tweezers, watch repair kit, some dial protectors, oilers and am looking for the items below. Hoping you can help me out with what to look for and where to find them. Right now I’m using eBay for a lot of tools and want to manage costs. 1. What 3 chemicals do I need for the watch cleaning machine? It’s not an ultra sonic or whatever, it’s the kind with 3 glass jars. Where should I buy them for shipping to Canada. 2. What attaches to the rotating arm of the machine to go inside the glass jars? A tiny cage to put all the pieces in? Are they universal or do I need the specific one for this machine? 3. Oil and grease. I will stick to pocket watches only and will probably buy elign, Waltham, vostok, and any other pocket watches between $0-$40. I don’t want to buy 19 oils at this point. The basics so I can clean and lube a watch without wrecking it. If that means correctly lubricating 90% of it with 3 oils, great. Moebius seems to be the most popular. Which lubes do you recommend? From my research it seems I need 1 grease, 1 high velocity oil, 1 low velocity oil 4. Mainspring winder. I can’t tell what brand or size I need. It seems 9-15. Are there specific companies that only make pocket watch winders or does Bergeron make them for wrist watches and pocket watches? I assume both so how do I tell a winder from Bergeron works with one of the other as an example. Seller doesn’t always know. 5. Does anyone have any suggestions for books about learning watch repair? 6. The watch I have isn’t an elign for example. Its probably a stock movement of the time put into one of his pocket watches. How would I find the technical guide? Are there rules of thumb? Do you just google tech specs in general for each movement? 7. I was planning on taking pics of my tools and watches to post on here in a different thread. Is that a good idea? What thread is best? Thanks a million and have a good night!!!!!
  3. Hi, I just bought a Reina or Reima Swiss made watch cleaning machine (see photo's). Beside the brand name, there are two more names visible: Golay - Buchel & Cie Lausanne Suisse and Werner Schilter Machine bau, Kriens-Sweiz (probably the company who made this machine). If have number 623 and it works completely mechanical. By pumping the fluids from different compartments below to the top camber the watch parts are washed. A metal knob turns when the washing program is running and some metal pins will switch to a different part of the watching program. I don't have an instruction manual. Can anybody tell me more about this watch cleaning machine? Does someone have an instruction manual? Thank you for your help, Jacob
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